7 Year Old Boy With Complaints of Abdominal pain and Abdominal distension

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.

7 yr old male child was admitted with chief complaints of Stomach pain and Abdominal distension 


Patient was apparently asymptomatic 18 months ago, then one night after eating at a family party and returning home He started complaining of pain in the Stomach around epigastrium and umbilical region and bloating in half an hour.

These complaints persisted for another 10 days.So he went to a doctor(1st) who prescribed medicine for 1 month and( doctor advised to stop giving egg, milk, ghee to the child) the symptoms were relieved.Then again he started taking Milk,Egg,Ghee.(stomach pain is present before eating and increases after taking meal ,abdomen becomes distended but there was slight decrease in stomach pain after passing stools)

After 1 month he developed high fever (102 °F ) with mouth ulcers in the oral cavity for which he went to child specialist and was referred to dental doctor who prescribed medication for 7days.But he was not fully recovered and was having recurring mouth ulcers since then.Occasionally he complained about chest pain.

After 1yr he developed same symptoms again

(Stomach pain,bloating) so he went to the same doctor (1st) who prescribed medication for 1month and the symptoms were relieved.

4 months back again he developed same symptoms and was treated by another doctor(2nd)

who prescribed medication for 1month and the symptoms were relieved.

In the same month(march) he developed night fever for 3-4days

Next month(april) he developed cold ,sneezing and chest pain for 15-16 days which was treated and he recovered.

20 days back he again developed same symptoms and treated by another doctor(3rd) and was given medication. Upon giving medication for 2days his mother felt that his symptoms are aggravating so she stopped the medication and consulted with another doctor(4th) who prescribed medication for 15 days and then to watch for any improvement.Upon giving medication for 10 days his mother felt there was no improvement .So he was shifted to our hospital yesterday evening.

Daily routine: 

He wakes up at 8am and brushes and eats breakfast (Banana+Milk+Roti) around 8:30 am. Fom 9-11am he studies/watches television.Again around 11am he takes his lunch(rice+dal+fish fry).After lunch he takes his bath(12pm).After which he plays with his toys and spends time around his little sister.

Again at 3pm he takes his food(rice+dal+fish curry) and goes to sleep till 5pm.Around 5:30 pm he takes Milk +banana+rice product(Mudi).

Then he watches TV and study for some time.

At 9:30 pm he takes his dinner(rice+dal+potato fry/boiled Egg/fish) and spends time with his family.

He goes to sleep around 12-1 am.
Mother also Complained that he wasn't sleeping until late at night.

Past history:

Not a k/c/o Asthma,HTN, DM, TB, epilepsy.

Personal history:




Bowel and bladder movements:Regular

Family history:

No significant family history


Pt is Conscious,Coherent and coperative

Well oriented to time place and person 

No Pallor,Icterus,Cyanosis,Clubbing , Lymphadenopathy,Edema.


Temp: afebrile

PR: 64bpm



CVS: S1 S2 heard no murmurs

Respiratory: NVBS ,BAE+

CNS: No focal neurological deficit

Per abdomen:

Abdomen is soft and non tender at the time of examination

Normal bowel sounds heard

Clinical pictures:

Dermatology Consultation Notes

ENT Consultation Notes

Paediatric Consultation Notes




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